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May 26, 2011


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How about a little TRANSPARENCY for the two organizations that were the real cause of the mortgage crisis? ummmmmm... Noooo, I don't think so.

National Hispanic Builders Association

On the one hand they're private - so they can avoid FOI. On the other hand they're public - so they can get the taxpayers to bail them out of legal fees.

FICO score free

Decide what you are, public or private. Makes me so mad.

עבודה לצעירים

For democracy to function effectively, there are checks and balances, and one of them is that transparency enables everyone to see how things work, not just supervisors.

Hermes Birkin

If you wish to be the best man, you must suffer the bitterest of the bitter.


An enormous problem with Fannie and Freddie is their opaqueness. In the recent crisis, it was very difficult to understand how risky they were until it was too late.

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